Chandy David
Tel: 07722123567

  • Teacher

Regular Events
Westbourne Grove Salsa on Wednesday
Wed 12 Mar, 7:30 PM

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Hola Salsa is the brainchild of a well known face on the London Salsa scene, Chandy David. Chandy in fact started his dancing career in 1997 dancing Lambada, until he was introduced to Salsa by Stephania Velletri and immediately fell in love with the music. Chandy taught himself to dance Salsa and went on to win the UK Salsa Championships with Susana Montero a year later in 1998.

After winning the Championships, Chandy taught and performed in the UK and in Europe (Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Turkey) as well as at Charity events (Dublin).  A talented and creative dancer, he has been an inspiration   to a number of well known dancers in London and the rest of the UK. In the last few years he has concentrated on teaching and is now, under the name Hola Salsa, promoting his own Salsa events.

Chandy's vision for Hola Salsa is twofold. Firstly to promote salsa venues, whether they be classes or club nights, that provide great music, a great atmosphere,   brilliant teachers and performers that will inspire us all to  take to the dance floor! Secondly, the charity angle.   Chandy has been a sponsor of children through World Vision for many years and was determined to continue this with Hola Salsa. Hola Salsa events (please see charity info) will be used to fundraise for 'Help a London Child', so that disadvantaged children both close to home and across the globe can benefit from his talent.

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This teacher was last updated on Mon 4 Sep 2023, 12 AM by Chandy_

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